In a war we just have two sides 
1. The winning side 
2. The loosing side

OK, am not a solider so am not gonna be talking about wars here.
i will try as much as possible to make this post short enough since people are already complaining about "too long" articles.
I caught this revelation about winning that i wish everyone else could catch, i'll summarize it in two sentences, "Even when you lose, you can't lose for winning". you know sometimes when things become a little difficult people tend to believe they are not meant for success, its funny how some people think success was meant for a specific group of people with there names probably written down alphabetically with a permanent marker in a white board up in heaven, thats a very funnily bizarre thought, everyone of us was ordained to be a success, am pretty sure if you end up not making it in life you would be breaking some record in Heaven, no think about it, God made you to succeed but then you didn't succeed, Men you are Powerful 😂😂
Alright enough jokes  

Trust God, he directs our paths
 Success does not just happen. Success is the result of specific goals, coupled with daily effort towards those goals. Success is rarely easy and rarely just happens. To be blunt, success is hard work.
Yet success matters. It’s worth it. And you must be successful.

Three Reasons You Have To Succeed

1. You Matter
I have been reading a lot lately about people that committed suicide and in summary i would say Suicide is a complicated issue, but one of the causes of suicide is an overwhelming belief that your life doesn't matter. If you've ever felt that way, just go to the funeral of someone who committed suicide. Watch the grief of the survivors and you’ll never again doubt that your life matters.
You’ll never understand on this side of eternity the impact that your life has on others. You matter. And because YOU matter, your success in life matters.

2. You Were Made In The Image of God
Whoa …don’t get weird on me. Well, too late, I’m going there, I have to. According to the bible, you were created in the image of God. You bear his image. And God has never failed. God is always successful! And you are created in his image, in the image of the Always-Successful One.
God probably defines success a lot differently than we do, but it’s an interesting thought that we’re made in the image of the one who is always successful isn't it?

3. There Are People Tied To Your Success
How many lives were affected by Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press? How many lives saved by Fleming’s discovery of penicillin?
This is the biggest reason why you must be successful. Ultimately this life is more about what you do for others than what you do for yourself. If you stop fighting for your potential, and concede to the average life, you will never know the mark you could have had on the world. Worse yet, there are countless numbers of people who’s lives are unchanged because you failed to push past your boundaries and pursue success that matters.
You matter. You bear the image of the God who never fails, and there are people who need you to succeed. You must succeed, you were not created to be average. That’s not who you are. Stop playing small. Stop believing your life doesn't matter.  Dream big my friends and swing for the fence.



Monday 23 January 2017


In a war we just have two sides 
1. The winning side 
2. The loosing side

OK, am not a solider so am not gonna be talking about wars here.
i will try as much as possible to make this post short enough since people are already complaining about "too long" articles.
I caught this revelation about winning that i wish everyone else could catch, i'll summarize it in two sentences, "Even when you lose, you can't lose for winning". you know sometimes when things become a little difficult people tend to believe they are not meant for success, its funny how some people think success was meant for a specific group of people with there names probably written down alphabetically with a permanent marker in a white board up in heaven, thats a very funnily bizarre thought, everyone of us was ordained to be a success, am pretty sure if you end up not making it in life you would be breaking some record in Heaven, no think about it, God made you to succeed but then you didn't succeed, Men you are Powerful 😂😂
Alright enough jokes  

Trust God, he directs our paths
 Success does not just happen. Success is the result of specific goals, coupled with daily effort towards those goals. Success is rarely easy and rarely just happens. To be blunt, success is hard work.
Yet success matters. It’s worth it. And you must be successful.

Three Reasons You Have To Succeed

1. You Matter
I have been reading a lot lately about people that committed suicide and in summary i would say Suicide is a complicated issue, but one of the causes of suicide is an overwhelming belief that your life doesn't matter. If you've ever felt that way, just go to the funeral of someone who committed suicide. Watch the grief of the survivors and you’ll never again doubt that your life matters.
You’ll never understand on this side of eternity the impact that your life has on others. You matter. And because YOU matter, your success in life matters.

2. You Were Made In The Image of God
Whoa …don’t get weird on me. Well, too late, I’m going there, I have to. According to the bible, you were created in the image of God. You bear his image. And God has never failed. God is always successful! And you are created in his image, in the image of the Always-Successful One.
God probably defines success a lot differently than we do, but it’s an interesting thought that we’re made in the image of the one who is always successful isn't it?

3. There Are People Tied To Your Success
How many lives were affected by Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press? How many lives saved by Fleming’s discovery of penicillin?
This is the biggest reason why you must be successful. Ultimately this life is more about what you do for others than what you do for yourself. If you stop fighting for your potential, and concede to the average life, you will never know the mark you could have had on the world. Worse yet, there are countless numbers of people who’s lives are unchanged because you failed to push past your boundaries and pursue success that matters.
You matter. You bear the image of the God who never fails, and there are people who need you to succeed. You must succeed, you were not created to be average. That’s not who you are. Stop playing small. Stop believing your life doesn't matter.  Dream big my friends and swing for the fence.

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