Hay guys, I decided to write on this topic because I find it mostly ignored, I observed everyone suffers this problem at one point in their lives (myself included).Now, what if I told you that most of the things you called problems are not really the problem, it might just be a case that was caused by a problem, sounds complicated right? Well, you will be cleared once we begin. First we will talk about the cases, and then we link them all to one problem. And find a solution for it.

What are these Cases?

                Yea I used to be here, and I must tell you it’s as bad it gets, it makes you feel almost like you don’t deserve to exist, like every other person knows this stuff apart from you and if you talk they might all laugh at your stupidity, according to Wikipedia, it is, “An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to standards. It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement or extreme asocial behavior. In modern literature, the preferred terminology is "lack of covert self-esteem".[1] For many, it is developed through a combination of genetic personality characteristics and personal experiences.”. Most people are experiencing this; it makes you feel you can’t do a certain thing, for example you are asked to speak in a group, and you just start having this feeling that you don’t have anything to offer.
According to the research I made, People in this bracket, tend to be the most brilliant, turns out they are actually thinking the opposite of the reality, they think they can’t do it, whereas they could do it better than everyone else.  Well that’s just one case.

                This is quite similar to inferiority complex, according to Wikipedia, it is,” Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehensionlack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. This commonly occurs in new situations or with unfamiliar people. Shyness can be a characteristic of people who have low self-esteem. Stronger forms of shyness are usually referred to as social anxiety or social phobia. The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior. This results in a person becoming scared of doing or saying what they want to out of fear of negative reactions, being laughed at, humiliated or patronised, criticism and/or rejection. A shy person may simply opt to avoid social situations instead.[1]”. I call it “the fear of eyes” because being shy is practically being afraid of people looking at you, this might occur when you consider others superior to you, being shy is really funny because sometimes, it’s not as if you don’t know what to say, you are just afraid of the looks. You do well in your training sessions but when it comes to presenting it to a group or congregation; you make a mess of the whole thing. So that’s another case

                I know some of my friends who carried over courses simply because they depended on exam malpractice,  now according to science, we only use about 2% of our brain capacity in our life time, seriously 2%  so why don’t you trust yourself enough to pass an examination, I have this particular friend that puts all his hopes on cheating, he writes stuffs on paper, then folds and hide it, they even nicknamed it “bullet”, but this same guy has every Eminem’s rap in his head, he can almost totally emulate Eminem on every single move he made in every of his Videos, He has just agreed in his mind that if I don’t cheat, I don’t pass, without even noticing that all the potentials he needs to do even better in his education Is right inside of him..
                Now, there is nothing you will read that you don’t have the ability to comprehend, some people say schooling is for a specific set of people, this totally false, its true there are some people that understand everything just by being in the class but if you are not the type, you just have to read and you will definitely understand, well that’s another case.

                This is the final case am going to be talking about, I was in an Office one day and this man came to tell the guy with me that Shell in P.H was looking for workers and since he was looking for a job he could go and apply there to see if he would be employed, but my guy was like, “dude please, you want me to waste transport in going to  Porthacourth right, he just refused to go simply because he went to a Polytechnic.
 You might have passed by some other opportunities without knowing just because you refuse to give it a try, A friend of mine wrote that, “Cute people are the loneliest because everyone is thinking he/she is dating someone already”, am now talking about the dating aspect here, am just trying to bring out that point “Thinking”, You shouldn't let what you think stop you from what you want, Always say to yourself something like, ”Ok This might not work but I’ll still give it try”, after all if it didn't work, it doesn't mean you failed, it just means you have found another way that won’t work.

Alright, we have seen some of the cases that we encounter in our lives, so what is my Problem?
   The answer is simple, if we check the cases above, from the Inferiority complex, the shyness, the cheating aspect to the Refusal to give some stuff a try. We find out that in all of them we are TOO BUSY HOLDING ON TO OUR UNWORTHINESS. It’s obvious; if you don’t feel worthy then it changes the way you approach certain things you come across.
                Why do we feel unworthy? you want to propose to a girl, but she is too beautiful/brilliant you don’t think she will accept you, You want this job, but then you went to a Polytechnic so you don’t think you will be accepted, You want to talk to a group but because you see many knowledgeable persons among the group, you feel you can’t offer anything. You should know that you as Worthy as you think you are, remember that there is no other person like you on the planet.
The solution to the problem is simple, change your mindset, get rid of the “buts”, and start thinking big. You have always thought you are unworthy and it brought you all the negative cases, try thinking you are Worthy from today. You might be surprised just how much you will achieve just by changing your mindset. Your mind has the ability to Make you or break you.





This might sound as a cliché but it is one of the most important questions you have to answer for yourself, in order to make a more immense progress on your present life. Quite simple, it might seem but there way too many stuffs attached to it than we can actually see.

 I was chatting with a female  friend on whatsapp. and she was like, "Kent, how did it come to this, i never knew you where creative", now this friend of mine has known me for years, and it got me thinking, like what have i been doing with all the stuffs that have been going through my head, it was all a case of belonging, being with the wrong people might not do you a lot of good, now when i say wrong i don't mean criminals or armed robbers, am talking of being with those people that motivate you to get better. 

You might be a great writer or singer, a good football, comedian or perhaps you have some other stuff you are very good at, but being at the right places, you might end up not reaching the heights you always dreamed of. 

 Now finding out where you belong can be very easy, if you are really zealous, there are just a few things you need to do and you could just be unlocking the better parts of your potentials ..

                                      Yea, this is the first stage, you need to discover first of all, "who you are", those things that you think makes you different. There is always that special something that makes you special, something you do great on without stress. If you have not realized your you could read this article by "Audrey" . You might also need to listen to what people say you are good at, it kinda helps,

The Pastor's wife once asked, "kent, are you in the media?" i was stirred. Bottom line listen.... 


                                     Sometimes this can be a little bit tricky because, not all that makes your heart happy, decides where you belong, so here is the thing, you have to merge who you are with what makes your heart happy, sounds easy right, well it might be as easy as it seems,  now i love music, love dancing, but mehn thats not who i am, now for many years i kept on staying where i don't belong just because i felt good about it, and not because i was necessarily good at it. Now you should know that there is this extra energy you get when you do what you love to do, which is why you should make what you love to do to be who you are, thats more like maths right. i had this friend that could act for Hollywood but she kept on saying she doesnt like acting, anytime she acts you just know, that is who she is, now i told her until she loved acting she might find it difficult to achieve what she was supposed to.


                                    Its matters also too much, who you hang around with, the people around you can motivate, inspire or they could kill the zeal in you, and even make you feel very bad about yourself, they might even make you try to imitate there own identity, so you should pick who your pals are wisely, Make your friends according to your identity after all, we have all heard the saying,"tell me your friend and i will tell you who you are", ask your self who you are?, or is your friend making you who he is?  These are two very different situations.

Ok that is it, just in case you have other ideas, why not drop a comment, you could also contact me on my contact page, Hope this helps someone.




Standard idea-generation techniques concentrate on combining or adapting existing ideas. This can certainly generate results. But here, my main focus is on equipping you with tools that help you leap onto a totally different plane. These approaches push your mind to forge new connections, think differently and consider new perspectives.

A word of caution
– while these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in groups and as for you alone as well.

Breaking Thought Patterns

All of us can tend to get stuck in certain thinking patterns. Breaking these thought patterns can help you get your mind unstuck and generate new ideas. There are several techniques you can use to break established thought patterns:
  • Challenge assumptions: For every situation, you have a set of key assumptions. Challenging these assumptions gives you a whole new spin on possibilities.
    You want to buy a house but can't since you assume you don't have the money to make a down payment on the loan. Challenge the assumption. Sure, you don't have cash in the bank but couldn't you sell some of your other assets to raise the money?
  • Reword the problem: Stating the problem differently often leads to different ideas. To reword the problem look at the issue from different angles. "Why do we need to solve the problem?", "What's the roadblock here?", "What will happen if we don't solve the problem?" These questions will give you new insights. You might come up with new ideas to solve your new problem.
  • Think in reverse : If you feel you cannot think of anything new, try turning things upside-down. Instead of focusing on how you could solve a problem/improve operations/enhance a product, consider how could you create the problem/worsen operations/downgrade the product. The reverse ideas will come flowing in. Consider these ideas  once you've reversed them again  as possible solutions for the original challenge.
  • Express yourself through different media: We have multiple intelligences but somehow, when faced with workplace challenges we just tend to use our verbal reasoning ability. How about expressing the challenge through different media? Clay, music, word association games, paint, there are several ways you can express the challenge. Don't bother about solving the challenge at this point. Just express it. Different expression might spark off different thought patterns. And these new thought patterns may yield new ideas.

Connect the Unconnected

    Some of the best ideas seem to occur just by chance. You see something or you hear someone, often totally unconnected to the situation you are trying to resolve, and the penny drops in place. Newton and the apple, Archimedes in the bath tub; examples abound.
    Why does this happen? The random element provides a new stimulus and gets our brain cells ticking. You can capitalize on this knowledge by consciously trying to connect the unconnected.

    Actively seek stimuli from unexpected places and then see if you can use these stimuli to build a connection with your situation. Some techniques you could use are:
    • Use random input : Choose a word from the dictionary and look for novel connections between the word and your problem.
    • Mind map  possible ideas: Put a key word or phrase in the middle of the page. Write whatever else comes in your mind on the same page. See if you can make any connections.
    • Pick up a picture. Consider how you can relate it to your situation.
    • Take an item. Ask yourself questions such as "How could this item help in addressing the challenge?", or "What attributes of this item could help us solve our challenge?"

Shift Perspective

    Over the years we all build a certain type of perspective and this perspective yields a certain type of idea. If you want different ideas, you will have to shift your perspective. To do so:
    • Get someone else's perspective: Ask different people what they would do if faced with your challenge. You could approach friends engaged in different kind of work, your spouse, a nine-year old child, customers, suppliers, senior citizens, someone from a different culture; in essence anyone who might see things differently.
    • Play the "If I were" game: Ask yourself "If I were ..." how would I address this challenge? You could be anyone: a millionaire, Tiger Woods, anyone.
      The idea is the person you decide to be has certain identifiable traits. And you have to use these traits to address the challenge. For instance, if you decide to play the millionaire, you might want to bring traits such as flamboyance, big thinking and risk-taking when formulating an idea. If you are Tiger Woods you would focus on things such as perfection, persistence and execution detail.

Employ Enablers

    Enablers are activities and actions that assist with, rather than directly provoke, idea generation. They create a positive atmosphere. Some of the enablers that can help you get your creative juices flowing are:
    • Belief in yourself: Believe that you are creative, believe that ideas will come to you; positive reinforcement helps you perform better.
    • Creative loafing time: Nap, go for a walk, listen to music, play with your child, take a break from formal idea-generating. Your mind needs the rest, and will often come up with connections precisely when it isn't trying to make them.
    • Change of environment: Sometimes changing the setting changes your thought process. Go to a nearby coffee shop instead of the conference room in your office, or hold your discussion while walking together round a local park.
    • Shutting out distractions: Keep your thinking space both literally and mentally clutter-free. Shut off the Blackberry, close the door, divert your phone calls and then think.
    • Fun and humor: These are essential ingredients, especially in team setting.



What did Jesus come to do?

I keep hearing a lot of people saying different things about why Jesus came, some o them are funny, some are true according to Bible , but some are no true, Lets go through the Bible to see if what you and I have heard is the tuth.

1.To reveal the Father (Matt. 11:27)1."All things have been committed to me by my Father.  No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."

2.To be a ransom for many (Matt. 20:28)1."just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

3.To serve (Matt. 20:28)1."just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

4.To save the world (John 3:17;Luke 19:10)1."For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

5.To preach the good news of the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43)1."But he said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent."

6.To do the will of the Father (John 6:38)1."For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me."

7.To give the Father's words (John 17:8)1."For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them.  They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me."

8.To testify to the truth (John 18:37)1."You are a king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king.  In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

9.To die and destroy Satan's power (Heb. 2:14)1."Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is
, the devil."

10.To destroy the devil's works (1 John 3:8)1."He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning.  The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work."

11.To fulfil the Law and the Prophets(Matt. 5:17)1."Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them."

12.To give life (John 10:10,28)1."The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full . . . I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."

13.To taste death for everyone (Heb. 2:9)1."But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and Honor because he suffered death,so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone."

14.To become a high priest (Heb. 2:17)1."For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."

15.To atone for sin(Heb. 2:17)1."For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."

16.To proclaim freedom for believers (Luke 4:18)1."The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed."18.To proclaim the year of the Lord's favour (Luke 4:19)1."to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour."19.To bring judgment (John 9:39)1."Jesus said, "For judgement I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."20.To take away sin (1 John 3:5)1."But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin."21.To preach (Mark 1:38)1."Jesus replied, 'Let us go somewhere else--to the nearby villages--so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.'"22.To call sinners (Mark 2:17)1."On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  I have not come to call the righteous,but sinners.'"23.To know who is true (1 John 5:20)1."We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true.  And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ.  He is the true God and eternal life."




Reasons why you shouldn't drink

As research shows that one in six people has renounced alcohol, here is a sobering list of reasons why you (and I) really ought to join them.
According to hundreds of studies reported in thousands of newspapers, Alcohol is bad for you. It might have some benefits, such as reducing your risk of coronary heart disease, but heavy drinking can lead to brain damage, liver cirrhosis, cancer, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, fertility problems, weight gain and various other complaints.
A report in 2015 estimated that alcohol is responsible for about 20,000 deaths.
The bible was specific when it said leave the alcohol to the poor, let them drink and forget there sorrows, i don't understand why some people keep saying that the bible didn't say drinking is bad, as a Christian you have the DNA of God, you cant be poor with that DNA, and you definitely can't drink with it.
Christianity may be permissive when it comes to alcohol, but many other religions are less receptive. It is forbidden by Islam, and in some countries drinking alcohol is illegal. Mormons, Methodists and Buddhists are also among those who commonly abstain from drinking.
Nigerians  spend a collective 80 billion naira on alcohol each year, equating to an average of 80 naira per household per week. That's enough to get a life, don't you think.
The one silver lining is that laws being proposed to introduce an effective minimum price will set the barrier so low that there will be virtually no change in the price of most drinks. Happy days.
Alcohol has a numbing effect on our judgment, concentration, reactions, balance and vision, so it is hardly surprising it is the leading cause of accidents in the home, accounting for about 40 per cent of all most road accidents.
The risk increases dramatically if you are on the road – whether driver, passenger or pedestrian – and alcohol is thought to be a factor in one in five road deaths.
The production of ethanol requires a great deal of energy, including the planting, maintenance and harvest of crops, the production of beer, wine and spirits, and packaging and transporting the end product to the nation's pubs and supermarkets.
An analysis of Fat Tire Amber Ale reportedly found that producing and assembling the ingredients created 678g of carbon dioxide equivalent per bottled six pack – 21 per cent of its total footprint – while a further 33 per cent of its cost to the environment came through refrigeration, both in shops and at home.

If none of the above has convinced you to renounce booze, then you are still among the five sixths of Nigerians who may be perfectly aware of the disadvantages of alcohol but enjoy it too much to renounce it.
But regardless of the risk of deadly disease, fatal accidents and financial worries, the most persuasive argument may be to go out and drink as much as you like. Waking up with a thumping headache and a tongue like sandpaper might just do the trick.



Why Many Fail as Christians

One of the great disappointments in the Lord's work is the number of members who decide they will no longer serve God. They just "drop out." They probably did not intend to, but they did. At one time they likely looked with wonderment on the departure of someone else. Now they are victims themselves. They have developed the same harmful attitudes and actions as others, and in the end, they depart the faith with all other apostates.In this article i will share some of the things, i learnt causes this failure. 

Some Christians Fail Because:
1. They forget what they heard. In becoming Christians we must hear the gospel, believe it, and obey it (Rom. 10:17; Mark 16:16; Heb. 5:9). We are taught that we must thereafter live a life of faithful service unto God. The process of edification informs us of varied duties we sustain as God's people. Through teaching, the blessings of faithful service are outlined, just as the punishment for disobedience is taught. Unfortunately, many Christians forget what they have heard. James talks about the man who looks in a mirror, but turns away, forgetting what he saw. This man is called "a forgetful hearer" (Jas. 1:24-25).
Jesus addressed this same subject. He spoke of the foolish man who "heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not," contrasting that man with the wise man who "heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them" (Matt. 7:24-27). Even our children are taught this lesson. They sing about the Wise Man and the Foolish Man. Do not allow yourself to forget what you have heard from the pages of God's word. If you do, you will fall from grace like others.
2. They will not consider. Isaiah wrote: "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel cloth not know, my people doth not consider" (Isa. 1:3). This is a shocking comparison! The ox and the ass know who owns them and where they belong, but the Jews did not! Actually, they would not acknowledge who they were, and where they belonged. Many today are doing the same, and that is why some fall away. They are thought-less they will not consider.
3. They yield to the world. When we obey the gospel, God separates us from the world, adding us to the church. Unfortunately, many look back longingly to the ways of the world. They will not remember the sadness and heart-ache of sin. They only remember the instant gratification and pleasure it brought. They forget the injunction, "love not the world" (1 John 2:15-17). They will not remember the teaching of God's word which says, "And be not con-formed to this world" (Rom. 12:2). Soon these are living again in the same old sinful way they were living, before they became Christians. "They are again entangled therein, and overcome" (2 Pet. 2:20). They are sin's victim again, and lost to the Lord.
4. They are unprepared for sudden temptation. One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking "I'm a Christian, I can't be tempted to do evil again." This is the old false denominational doctrine which says "once saved, always saved." The idea of this heresy is that God takes control so that we cannot sin and be lost. Just remember, this is a false doctrine.
Christians are tempted, and sometimes we fail in living as we should. Paul used the word "overtaken" to describe this situation: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted" (Gal. 6:1). Even the apostle Peter himself fell back into sin and was restored by Paul (Gal. 2:11-14). God does pro-vide us with "a way to escape" temptation, enabling us to bear it (1 Cor. 10:13). Sadly, many Christians will not pre-pare themselves by knowing the escape routes and they fail in the challenge of living the life of a Christian, re-turning to the world.
5. They fail to be watchful. One of the words frequently used in describing the life of the servant of the Lord is "watch." Jesus said, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matt. 26:41). Peter warned about the workings of the Devil, telling Christians to be sober or watchful: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Pet. 5:8). Many will lose their souls because they were not watchful, as they were taught to be.
6. They are indifferent. Many Christians are not fervently for the Lord, nor are they against him. They simply become indifferent toward him and his cause. They are called "lukewarm" by the Lord, and it is said God will spew them out of his mouth (Rev. 3:15-16). More Christians are in danger through this sin than perhaps any other. Life is regularly drained from the church because of membership indifference. Too many of us just simply will not listen to the admonition of the Lord. When Peter gave what we call "The Christian Graces" he concluded by warning, "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall" (2 Pet. 1:10). The lack of diligence in serving God is a prescription for falling away from him.
7. They neglect their study and duty. One of the consistent messages of the Scripture is that we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15); we are to give attendance to reading, exhortation, and doctrine (1 Tim. 4:13); we are to understand what the Lord's will is (Eph. 5:17); and this understanding comes by reading the word (Eph. 3:3-4). Through this study God describes our duty. He spells out exactly what he expects, and what he will not permit us to do. A failure to do our duty is sin (James 4:17). It is because many will not study God's word, and do their duty, that they fall.
How can we avoid this danger? What can we do which will prevent falling away? Let me suggest these things briefly:
Develop a stronger faith in the Lord and his work
be prompt or instant in your obedience to the things you learn you are to do
be devoted and dedicated to your mission going to heaven when you die
do the best you can do not settle for or accept any-thing less than the best you can give
help one another we need the strength that comes from others who are living the Christian life
be diligent in prayer the great avenue of prayer gives us access to the ear of God, and to the help that only he can provide, especially in forgiving us our sins, before we allow them to take us down. These things will keep us faithful and secure.
 Do you feel yourself in danger of falling away? Is it possible? Do you need to consider these things in your own life? Paul warned us to take heed, lest ye fall (1 Cor. 10:12). The Bible says "Save yourselves" (Acts 2:40). Are you doing that?




There's much more meaning in life once you know your purpose.

Consider a hammer. It's designed to hit nails. That's what it was created to do. Now imagine that the hammer never gets used. It just sits in the toolbox. The hammer doesn't care.
But now imagine that same hammer with a soul, a self-consciousness. Days and days go by with him remaining in the toolbox. He feels funny inside, but he's not sure exactly why. Something is missing, but he doesn't know what it is.
Then one day someone pulls him out of the toolbox and uses him to break some branches for the fireplace. The hammer is exhilarated. Being held, being wielded, hitting the branches -- the hammer loves it. At the end of the day, though, he is still unfulfilled. Hitting the branches was fun, but it wasn't enough. Something is still missing.
In the days that follow, he's used often. He reshapes a hubcap, blasts through some sheet rock, knocks a table leg back into place. Still, he's left unfulfilled. So he longs for more action. He wants to be used as much as possible to knock things around, to break things, to blast things, to dent things. He figures that he just hasn't had enough of these events to satisfy him. More of the same, he believes, is the solution to his lack of fulfillment.
Then one day someone uses him on a nail. Suddenly, the lights come on in his hammer soul. He now understands what he was truly designed for. He was meant to hit nails. All the other things he hit pale in comparison. Now he knows what his hammer soul was searching for all along.
We are created in God's image for relationship with him. Being in that relationship is the only thing that will ultimately satisfy our souls. Until we come to know God, we've had many wonderful experiences, but we haven't hit a nail. We've been used for some noble purposes, but not the one we were ultimately designed for, not the one through which we will find the most fulfillment. Augustine summarized it this way: "You [God] have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."
A relationship with God is the only thing that will quench our soul's longing. Jesus Christ said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." Until we come to know God, we are hungry and thirsty in life. We try to "eat" and "drink" all kinds of things to satisfy our hunger and thirst, but yet they remain.
We are like the hammer. We don't realize what will end the emptiness, the lack of fulfillment, in our lives. Even in the midst of a Nazi prison camp, Corri Ten Boom found God to be wholly satisfying: "The foundation of our happiness was that we knew ourselves hidden with Christ in God. We could have faith in God's love...our Rock who is stronger than the deepest darkness."
Usually when we keep God out, we try to find fulfillment in something other than God, but we can never get enough of that thing. We keep "eating" or "drinking" more and more, erroneously thinking that 'more' is the answer to the problem, yet we are never ultimately satisfied.
Our greatest desire is to know God, to have a relationship with God. Why? Because that's how we've been designed. Have you hit a nail yet?




                                                                                                                                                                                                                          In  most cases, it is not that those unemployed are not willing to start a business but their problem lies on finding the best business ideas to do with little capital they have at hand or were able to raise. So, if you are one of those that have little money like one hundred thousand naira (N100000), eight thousand naira (N80000), sixty thousand naira (N60000), fifty thousand naira (N50000), forty thousand naira (N40000), twenty thousand naira (N20000), even ten thousand naira (N10000) and the zeal to do business is in you; I have below a list of businesses i did a research about that might intrest you :

What do you require to succeed in any of the business?

• Your best brain
• Right mindset
• Passion
• Dedication
• Skills where necessary

1. Football match center - This business requires less capital start up and could work out perfectly due to its low availability mostly in Onitsha and other areas, its a news that majority in Nigeria are soccer fans, creating a nice place forr them to come watch matches comfortably might just get you good money, you should as well sell stuffs like meat and snacks or even food and drinks, Nigerians love to enjoy thereselves, make use of the advantage.
A good location in a densely populated and accessible part of town with a competitive price and excellent customer service is essential to the success of this business.
2. Mini Importation business-Importation business is a very lucrative business and easy to start with as little as N10, 000 plus. Usually, you make profit on every sale and then keep increasing the business. However, to succeed in this business; you have to learn the dons and don’ts of the business. The internet has made everything easier to access. You can sit down at the comfort of your room and order for any product you want to sale.
3. Restaurant business-Most single young ladies and men of these days prefer eating at well decent restaurant where delicious food is being served. Restaurant business is a flourishing business especially in most cities like Lagos, Onitsha, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Aba, etc where people are highly busy that never find time to cook by themselves. The business is not capital intensive. With N70000 you can do this business. The two most important things necessary to succeed in this business are ability cook nicely and neatness.
PROFITABLE PRODUCTION BUSINESS-one of the high paying business you can start in your locality is production business. One good thing about production business is that you can fix and control the market price for the goods or product you produce rather than totally being control by market forces of demand and supply. Usually, most production businesses are capital intensive because costly machines employed in production. Starting production business can cost one as high as N300000, N500000, N1000000, and N200000+ depending on product you intend producing. However, you can still start some production business with capital as low as N100, 000.
Here are production businesses that you start with One hundred thousand naira or so;
4. Perfume and liquid soap production-This business requires basic chemistry knowledge. With a capital of less than N80000 naira, you can start perfume and liquid soap production. For your liquid soap production, your first target market should be restaurant, hotel, fast food joints and catering centres. For the perfume production, you first target market should be high class professionals like bankers, lecturers, marketers, teachers and other service professional
5. Fresh fruit juice production-The business sells most in highly populated cites like Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja, Aba, Kano , Awka even here in onitsha depending on if u can portray your product well.
PROFITABLE PRODUCTION AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS– These Agricultural businesses can be started as a sole-proprietor business and then grown into a full blown Limited Liability Company. Here are agricultural business that you can start with capital as low as N100000;
6. Garri processing business
7. Palm oil milling and processing business
8. Rice milling
9. Small scale fish fingerling-Fish Fingerling is easy to start especially where there is availability of water supply. With the sum of N90, 000 to N80, 000 one can set up a small scale fish fingerling. In this business, you can be making over 100% returns but it requires care and monitory. Good water ph and climate conditions are necessary for the success of this business.
10. Snail farming-Snail farming is not difficult to start and you don’t need up to N100, 000 Naira to start this business. With 50K to 80K, you can start snail farming in your locality. Snail is very expensive in the restaurants and hotels where they serve. So, after you finish rearing set of snail, you can always take them to restaurants and hotels for sale. Snail is a hot market and a market for high class people.
11. Boiler poultry farming-This is one of the easiest businesses to start with little money. With N20, 000+ you can do this business. The business does not does not require skill. The major thing you needed in this business is availability of space and water supply. Day old chicken (boiler) may cost N150/each, so you can with 50 chickens which cost a total of N7500. In less than 9 weeks, you can start selling these birds at the rate of N1800 to N2000 naira per each. However, bear in mind that this business is seasonal although it is not totally seasonal.
12. Dog breeding-In certain northern part of Nigeria like JOS and southern part of the Nigeria, dog breeding business is thriving very well. Some people breed the dogs for meat (popularly called 404) and others for pet purposes. The business is a lucrative one. With seventy thousand naira (N70, 000), you can buy a female English dog and breed. When the dog delivers, it can give birth to seven…eight puppies which you can sell at the rate of seventy thousand naira each. The major cost you will incur in this business is in feeding of the dog. You have to be dog friendly for you to be able to do this business.
13. Small scale piggery farming-Piggery farming is one the oldest lucrative business. Some people in the northern part of Nigeria, especially those with cold weather consume pork meat so much. You can start piggery farming with N60000+ and sometimes you need to employ an assistant.
14. Mobile phone accessories business-Mobile phones accessories business is lucrative business. We have millions of GSM users. Mobile phones like Nokia product, Samsung product, Sony Ericsson product, Blackberry, Techno, and other smart phones; their repair parts and accessories are readily available in the market. A total capital of $ 120 (N20000) will be enough to start the business in a small scale however if you are to start the business in more large scale, the cost of starting may increase.
15. Computer repair business-skills on computer hardware repair and software troubleshooting are required in this business. You can easily acquire this skill or knowledge by attaching yourself to an experience computer hardware and software repair expert before you starting your own computer repair business. Usually, starting this business will not cost you up to N80000 and you can make big time when you become so popular.
16. Mini Business centre-mini Business centre is a highly lucrative business especially when cited in within tertiary institutions like universities, polytechnics and colleges or around these institutions. A set of desktop computer at the cost of N25000, one three in one photocopying machine (Scanning, printing and photocopying machine) at cost of N60000, tables and chairs are enough to start this business. Snacks with soft drinks and few provisions are added to make it business, a mini business centre. So, a total amount of one hundred thousand naira is enough to start this business.
17. Beads shop and making business
18. Video centre, music and film copyright/ renting business
19. Sales of ladies handbags, Jewelleries, wrist watches and perfumes
20. Sales of babies wear
Profitable internet business– the one of the less expensive business to start today anywhere is internet business. You can most internet business with capital less than N100, 000. However, starting any internet business requires that you have the basic knowledge of the internet. Again, it also requires that you grounded in the aspect of the internet business you intended starting. Here are some internet businesses you can do with N50, 000+;
21. Internet course training
22. Affiliate marketing
23. Internet marketing business
24. Blogging business
25. Website development and Consultation



Monday 28 November 2016


Hay guys, I decided to write on this topic because I find it mostly ignored, I observed everyone suffers this problem at one point in their lives (myself included).Now, what if I told you that most of the things you called problems are not really the problem, it might just be a case that was caused by a problem, sounds complicated right? Well, you will be cleared once we begin. First we will talk about the cases, and then we link them all to one problem. And find a solution for it.

What are these Cases?

                Yea I used to be here, and I must tell you it’s as bad it gets, it makes you feel almost like you don’t deserve to exist, like every other person knows this stuff apart from you and if you talk they might all laugh at your stupidity, according to Wikipedia, it is, “An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to standards. It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement or extreme asocial behavior. In modern literature, the preferred terminology is "lack of covert self-esteem".[1] For many, it is developed through a combination of genetic personality characteristics and personal experiences.”. Most people are experiencing this; it makes you feel you can’t do a certain thing, for example you are asked to speak in a group, and you just start having this feeling that you don’t have anything to offer.
According to the research I made, People in this bracket, tend to be the most brilliant, turns out they are actually thinking the opposite of the reality, they think they can’t do it, whereas they could do it better than everyone else.  Well that’s just one case.

                This is quite similar to inferiority complex, according to Wikipedia, it is,” Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehensionlack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. This commonly occurs in new situations or with unfamiliar people. Shyness can be a characteristic of people who have low self-esteem. Stronger forms of shyness are usually referred to as social anxiety or social phobia. The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior. This results in a person becoming scared of doing or saying what they want to out of fear of negative reactions, being laughed at, humiliated or patronised, criticism and/or rejection. A shy person may simply opt to avoid social situations instead.[1]”. I call it “the fear of eyes” because being shy is practically being afraid of people looking at you, this might occur when you consider others superior to you, being shy is really funny because sometimes, it’s not as if you don’t know what to say, you are just afraid of the looks. You do well in your training sessions but when it comes to presenting it to a group or congregation; you make a mess of the whole thing. So that’s another case

                I know some of my friends who carried over courses simply because they depended on exam malpractice,  now according to science, we only use about 2% of our brain capacity in our life time, seriously 2%  so why don’t you trust yourself enough to pass an examination, I have this particular friend that puts all his hopes on cheating, he writes stuffs on paper, then folds and hide it, they even nicknamed it “bullet”, but this same guy has every Eminem’s rap in his head, he can almost totally emulate Eminem on every single move he made in every of his Videos, He has just agreed in his mind that if I don’t cheat, I don’t pass, without even noticing that all the potentials he needs to do even better in his education Is right inside of him..
                Now, there is nothing you will read that you don’t have the ability to comprehend, some people say schooling is for a specific set of people, this totally false, its true there are some people that understand everything just by being in the class but if you are not the type, you just have to read and you will definitely understand, well that’s another case.

                This is the final case am going to be talking about, I was in an Office one day and this man came to tell the guy with me that Shell in P.H was looking for workers and since he was looking for a job he could go and apply there to see if he would be employed, but my guy was like, “dude please, you want me to waste transport in going to  Porthacourth right, he just refused to go simply because he went to a Polytechnic.
 You might have passed by some other opportunities without knowing just because you refuse to give it a try, A friend of mine wrote that, “Cute people are the loneliest because everyone is thinking he/she is dating someone already”, am now talking about the dating aspect here, am just trying to bring out that point “Thinking”, You shouldn't let what you think stop you from what you want, Always say to yourself something like, ”Ok This might not work but I’ll still give it try”, after all if it didn't work, it doesn't mean you failed, it just means you have found another way that won’t work.

Alright, we have seen some of the cases that we encounter in our lives, so what is my Problem?
   The answer is simple, if we check the cases above, from the Inferiority complex, the shyness, the cheating aspect to the Refusal to give some stuff a try. We find out that in all of them we are TOO BUSY HOLDING ON TO OUR UNWORTHINESS. It’s obvious; if you don’t feel worthy then it changes the way you approach certain things you come across.
                Why do we feel unworthy? you want to propose to a girl, but she is too beautiful/brilliant you don’t think she will accept you, You want this job, but then you went to a Polytechnic so you don’t think you will be accepted, You want to talk to a group but because you see many knowledgeable persons among the group, you feel you can’t offer anything. You should know that you as Worthy as you think you are, remember that there is no other person like you on the planet.
The solution to the problem is simple, change your mindset, get rid of the “buts”, and start thinking big. You have always thought you are unworthy and it brought you all the negative cases, try thinking you are Worthy from today. You might be surprised just how much you will achieve just by changing your mindset. Your mind has the ability to Make you or break you.


Friday 18 November 2016


This might sound as a cliché but it is one of the most important questions you have to answer for yourself, in order to make a more immense progress on your present life. Quite simple, it might seem but there way too many stuffs attached to it than we can actually see.

 I was chatting with a female  friend on whatsapp. and she was like, "Kent, how did it come to this, i never knew you where creative", now this friend of mine has known me for years, and it got me thinking, like what have i been doing with all the stuffs that have been going through my head, it was all a case of belonging, being with the wrong people might not do you a lot of good, now when i say wrong i don't mean criminals or armed robbers, am talking of being with those people that motivate you to get better. 

You might be a great writer or singer, a good football, comedian or perhaps you have some other stuff you are very good at, but being at the right places, you might end up not reaching the heights you always dreamed of. 

 Now finding out where you belong can be very easy, if you are really zealous, there are just a few things you need to do and you could just be unlocking the better parts of your potentials ..

                                      Yea, this is the first stage, you need to discover first of all, "who you are", those things that you think makes you different. There is always that special something that makes you special, something you do great on without stress. If you have not realized your you could read this article by "Audrey" . You might also need to listen to what people say you are good at, it kinda helps,

The Pastor's wife once asked, "kent, are you in the media?" i was stirred. Bottom line listen.... 


                                     Sometimes this can be a little bit tricky because, not all that makes your heart happy, decides where you belong, so here is the thing, you have to merge who you are with what makes your heart happy, sounds easy right, well it might be as easy as it seems,  now i love music, love dancing, but mehn thats not who i am, now for many years i kept on staying where i don't belong just because i felt good about it, and not because i was necessarily good at it. Now you should know that there is this extra energy you get when you do what you love to do, which is why you should make what you love to do to be who you are, thats more like maths right. i had this friend that could act for Hollywood but she kept on saying she doesnt like acting, anytime she acts you just know, that is who she is, now i told her until she loved acting she might find it difficult to achieve what she was supposed to.


                                    Its matters also too much, who you hang around with, the people around you can motivate, inspire or they could kill the zeal in you, and even make you feel very bad about yourself, they might even make you try to imitate there own identity, so you should pick who your pals are wisely, Make your friends according to your identity after all, we have all heard the saying,"tell me your friend and i will tell you who you are", ask your self who you are?, or is your friend making you who he is?  These are two very different situations.

Ok that is it, just in case you have other ideas, why not drop a comment, you could also contact me on my contact page, Hope this helps someone.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


Standard idea-generation techniques concentrate on combining or adapting existing ideas. This can certainly generate results. But here, my main focus is on equipping you with tools that help you leap onto a totally different plane. These approaches push your mind to forge new connections, think differently and consider new perspectives.

A word of caution
– while these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in groups and as for you alone as well.

Breaking Thought Patterns

All of us can tend to get stuck in certain thinking patterns. Breaking these thought patterns can help you get your mind unstuck and generate new ideas. There are several techniques you can use to break established thought patterns:
  • Challenge assumptions: For every situation, you have a set of key assumptions. Challenging these assumptions gives you a whole new spin on possibilities.
    You want to buy a house but can't since you assume you don't have the money to make a down payment on the loan. Challenge the assumption. Sure, you don't have cash in the bank but couldn't you sell some of your other assets to raise the money?
  • Reword the problem: Stating the problem differently often leads to different ideas. To reword the problem look at the issue from different angles. "Why do we need to solve the problem?", "What's the roadblock here?", "What will happen if we don't solve the problem?" These questions will give you new insights. You might come up with new ideas to solve your new problem.
  • Think in reverse : If you feel you cannot think of anything new, try turning things upside-down. Instead of focusing on how you could solve a problem/improve operations/enhance a product, consider how could you create the problem/worsen operations/downgrade the product. The reverse ideas will come flowing in. Consider these ideas  once you've reversed them again  as possible solutions for the original challenge.
  • Express yourself through different media: We have multiple intelligences but somehow, when faced with workplace challenges we just tend to use our verbal reasoning ability. How about expressing the challenge through different media? Clay, music, word association games, paint, there are several ways you can express the challenge. Don't bother about solving the challenge at this point. Just express it. Different expression might spark off different thought patterns. And these new thought patterns may yield new ideas.

Connect the Unconnected

    Some of the best ideas seem to occur just by chance. You see something or you hear someone, often totally unconnected to the situation you are trying to resolve, and the penny drops in place. Newton and the apple, Archimedes in the bath tub; examples abound.
    Why does this happen? The random element provides a new stimulus and gets our brain cells ticking. You can capitalize on this knowledge by consciously trying to connect the unconnected.

    Actively seek stimuli from unexpected places and then see if you can use these stimuli to build a connection with your situation. Some techniques you could use are:
    • Use random input : Choose a word from the dictionary and look for novel connections between the word and your problem.
    • Mind map  possible ideas: Put a key word or phrase in the middle of the page. Write whatever else comes in your mind on the same page. See if you can make any connections.
    • Pick up a picture. Consider how you can relate it to your situation.
    • Take an item. Ask yourself questions such as "How could this item help in addressing the challenge?", or "What attributes of this item could help us solve our challenge?"

Shift Perspective

    Over the years we all build a certain type of perspective and this perspective yields a certain type of idea. If you want different ideas, you will have to shift your perspective. To do so:
    • Get someone else's perspective: Ask different people what they would do if faced with your challenge. You could approach friends engaged in different kind of work, your spouse, a nine-year old child, customers, suppliers, senior citizens, someone from a different culture; in essence anyone who might see things differently.
    • Play the "If I were" game: Ask yourself "If I were ..." how would I address this challenge? You could be anyone: a millionaire, Tiger Woods, anyone.
      The idea is the person you decide to be has certain identifiable traits. And you have to use these traits to address the challenge. For instance, if you decide to play the millionaire, you might want to bring traits such as flamboyance, big thinking and risk-taking when formulating an idea. If you are Tiger Woods you would focus on things such as perfection, persistence and execution detail.

Employ Enablers

    Enablers are activities and actions that assist with, rather than directly provoke, idea generation. They create a positive atmosphere. Some of the enablers that can help you get your creative juices flowing are:
    • Belief in yourself: Believe that you are creative, believe that ideas will come to you; positive reinforcement helps you perform better.
    • Creative loafing time: Nap, go for a walk, listen to music, play with your child, take a break from formal idea-generating. Your mind needs the rest, and will often come up with connections precisely when it isn't trying to make them.
    • Change of environment: Sometimes changing the setting changes your thought process. Go to a nearby coffee shop instead of the conference room in your office, or hold your discussion while walking together round a local park.
    • Shutting out distractions: Keep your thinking space both literally and mentally clutter-free. Shut off the Blackberry, close the door, divert your phone calls and then think.
    • Fun and humor: These are essential ingredients, especially in team setting.

Monday 14 November 2016

What did Jesus come to do?

I keep hearing a lot of people saying different things about why Jesus came, some o them are funny, some are true according to Bible , but some are no true, Lets go through the Bible to see if what you and I have heard is the tuth.

1.To reveal the Father (Matt. 11:27)1."All things have been committed to me by my Father.  No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."

2.To be a ransom for many (Matt. 20:28)1."just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

3.To serve (Matt. 20:28)1."just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

4.To save the world (John 3:17;Luke 19:10)1."For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

5.To preach the good news of the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43)1."But he said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent."

6.To do the will of the Father (John 6:38)1."For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me."

7.To give the Father's words (John 17:8)1."For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them.  They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me."

8.To testify to the truth (John 18:37)1."You are a king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king.  In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

9.To die and destroy Satan's power (Heb. 2:14)1."Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is
, the devil."

10.To destroy the devil's works (1 John 3:8)1."He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning.  The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work."

11.To fulfil the Law and the Prophets(Matt. 5:17)1."Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them."

12.To give life (John 10:10,28)1."The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full . . . I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."

13.To taste death for everyone (Heb. 2:9)1."But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and Honor because he suffered death,so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone."

14.To become a high priest (Heb. 2:17)1."For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."

15.To atone for sin(Heb. 2:17)1."For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."

16.To proclaim freedom for believers (Luke 4:18)1."The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed."18.To proclaim the year of the Lord's favour (Luke 4:19)1."to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour."19.To bring judgment (John 9:39)1."Jesus said, "For judgement I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."20.To take away sin (1 John 3:5)1."But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin."21.To preach (Mark 1:38)1."Jesus replied, 'Let us go somewhere else--to the nearby villages--so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.'"22.To call sinners (Mark 2:17)1."On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  I have not come to call the righteous,but sinners.'"23.To know who is true (1 John 5:20)1."We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true.  And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ.  He is the true God and eternal life."


Reasons why you shouldn't drink

As research shows that one in six people has renounced alcohol, here is a sobering list of reasons why you (and I) really ought to join them.
According to hundreds of studies reported in thousands of newspapers, Alcohol is bad for you. It might have some benefits, such as reducing your risk of coronary heart disease, but heavy drinking can lead to brain damage, liver cirrhosis, cancer, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, fertility problems, weight gain and various other complaints.
A report in 2015 estimated that alcohol is responsible for about 20,000 deaths.
The bible was specific when it said leave the alcohol to the poor, let them drink and forget there sorrows, i don't understand why some people keep saying that the bible didn't say drinking is bad, as a Christian you have the DNA of God, you cant be poor with that DNA, and you definitely can't drink with it.
Christianity may be permissive when it comes to alcohol, but many other religions are less receptive. It is forbidden by Islam, and in some countries drinking alcohol is illegal. Mormons, Methodists and Buddhists are also among those who commonly abstain from drinking.
Nigerians  spend a collective 80 billion naira on alcohol each year, equating to an average of 80 naira per household per week. That's enough to get a life, don't you think.
The one silver lining is that laws being proposed to introduce an effective minimum price will set the barrier so low that there will be virtually no change in the price of most drinks. Happy days.
Alcohol has a numbing effect on our judgment, concentration, reactions, balance and vision, so it is hardly surprising it is the leading cause of accidents in the home, accounting for about 40 per cent of all most road accidents.
The risk increases dramatically if you are on the road – whether driver, passenger or pedestrian – and alcohol is thought to be a factor in one in five road deaths.
The production of ethanol requires a great deal of energy, including the planting, maintenance and harvest of crops, the production of beer, wine and spirits, and packaging and transporting the end product to the nation's pubs and supermarkets.
An analysis of Fat Tire Amber Ale reportedly found that producing and assembling the ingredients created 678g of carbon dioxide equivalent per bottled six pack – 21 per cent of its total footprint – while a further 33 per cent of its cost to the environment came through refrigeration, both in shops and at home.

If none of the above has convinced you to renounce booze, then you are still among the five sixths of Nigerians who may be perfectly aware of the disadvantages of alcohol but enjoy it too much to renounce it.
But regardless of the risk of deadly disease, fatal accidents and financial worries, the most persuasive argument may be to go out and drink as much as you like. Waking up with a thumping headache and a tongue like sandpaper might just do the trick.

Why Many Fail as Christians

One of the great disappointments in the Lord's work is the number of members who decide they will no longer serve God. They just "drop out." They probably did not intend to, but they did. At one time they likely looked with wonderment on the departure of someone else. Now they are victims themselves. They have developed the same harmful attitudes and actions as others, and in the end, they depart the faith with all other apostates.In this article i will share some of the things, i learnt causes this failure. 

Some Christians Fail Because:
1. They forget what they heard. In becoming Christians we must hear the gospel, believe it, and obey it (Rom. 10:17; Mark 16:16; Heb. 5:9). We are taught that we must thereafter live a life of faithful service unto God. The process of edification informs us of varied duties we sustain as God's people. Through teaching, the blessings of faithful service are outlined, just as the punishment for disobedience is taught. Unfortunately, many Christians forget what they have heard. James talks about the man who looks in a mirror, but turns away, forgetting what he saw. This man is called "a forgetful hearer" (Jas. 1:24-25).
Jesus addressed this same subject. He spoke of the foolish man who "heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not," contrasting that man with the wise man who "heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them" (Matt. 7:24-27). Even our children are taught this lesson. They sing about the Wise Man and the Foolish Man. Do not allow yourself to forget what you have heard from the pages of God's word. If you do, you will fall from grace like others.
2. They will not consider. Isaiah wrote: "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel cloth not know, my people doth not consider" (Isa. 1:3). This is a shocking comparison! The ox and the ass know who owns them and where they belong, but the Jews did not! Actually, they would not acknowledge who they were, and where they belonged. Many today are doing the same, and that is why some fall away. They are thought-less they will not consider.
3. They yield to the world. When we obey the gospel, God separates us from the world, adding us to the church. Unfortunately, many look back longingly to the ways of the world. They will not remember the sadness and heart-ache of sin. They only remember the instant gratification and pleasure it brought. They forget the injunction, "love not the world" (1 John 2:15-17). They will not remember the teaching of God's word which says, "And be not con-formed to this world" (Rom. 12:2). Soon these are living again in the same old sinful way they were living, before they became Christians. "They are again entangled therein, and overcome" (2 Pet. 2:20). They are sin's victim again, and lost to the Lord.
4. They are unprepared for sudden temptation. One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking "I'm a Christian, I can't be tempted to do evil again." This is the old false denominational doctrine which says "once saved, always saved." The idea of this heresy is that God takes control so that we cannot sin and be lost. Just remember, this is a false doctrine.
Christians are tempted, and sometimes we fail in living as we should. Paul used the word "overtaken" to describe this situation: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted" (Gal. 6:1). Even the apostle Peter himself fell back into sin and was restored by Paul (Gal. 2:11-14). God does pro-vide us with "a way to escape" temptation, enabling us to bear it (1 Cor. 10:13). Sadly, many Christians will not pre-pare themselves by knowing the escape routes and they fail in the challenge of living the life of a Christian, re-turning to the world.
5. They fail to be watchful. One of the words frequently used in describing the life of the servant of the Lord is "watch." Jesus said, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matt. 26:41). Peter warned about the workings of the Devil, telling Christians to be sober or watchful: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Pet. 5:8). Many will lose their souls because they were not watchful, as they were taught to be.
6. They are indifferent. Many Christians are not fervently for the Lord, nor are they against him. They simply become indifferent toward him and his cause. They are called "lukewarm" by the Lord, and it is said God will spew them out of his mouth (Rev. 3:15-16). More Christians are in danger through this sin than perhaps any other. Life is regularly drained from the church because of membership indifference. Too many of us just simply will not listen to the admonition of the Lord. When Peter gave what we call "The Christian Graces" he concluded by warning, "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall" (2 Pet. 1:10). The lack of diligence in serving God is a prescription for falling away from him.
7. They neglect their study and duty. One of the consistent messages of the Scripture is that we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15); we are to give attendance to reading, exhortation, and doctrine (1 Tim. 4:13); we are to understand what the Lord's will is (Eph. 5:17); and this understanding comes by reading the word (Eph. 3:3-4). Through this study God describes our duty. He spells out exactly what he expects, and what he will not permit us to do. A failure to do our duty is sin (James 4:17). It is because many will not study God's word, and do their duty, that they fall.
How can we avoid this danger? What can we do which will prevent falling away? Let me suggest these things briefly:
Develop a stronger faith in the Lord and his work
be prompt or instant in your obedience to the things you learn you are to do
be devoted and dedicated to your mission going to heaven when you die
do the best you can do not settle for or accept any-thing less than the best you can give
help one another we need the strength that comes from others who are living the Christian life
be diligent in prayer the great avenue of prayer gives us access to the ear of God, and to the help that only he can provide, especially in forgiving us our sins, before we allow them to take us down. These things will keep us faithful and secure.
 Do you feel yourself in danger of falling away? Is it possible? Do you need to consider these things in your own life? Paul warned us to take heed, lest ye fall (1 Cor. 10:12). The Bible says "Save yourselves" (Acts 2:40). Are you doing that?


There's much more meaning in life once you know your purpose.

Consider a hammer. It's designed to hit nails. That's what it was created to do. Now imagine that the hammer never gets used. It just sits in the toolbox. The hammer doesn't care.
But now imagine that same hammer with a soul, a self-consciousness. Days and days go by with him remaining in the toolbox. He feels funny inside, but he's not sure exactly why. Something is missing, but he doesn't know what it is.
Then one day someone pulls him out of the toolbox and uses him to break some branches for the fireplace. The hammer is exhilarated. Being held, being wielded, hitting the branches -- the hammer loves it. At the end of the day, though, he is still unfulfilled. Hitting the branches was fun, but it wasn't enough. Something is still missing.
In the days that follow, he's used often. He reshapes a hubcap, blasts through some sheet rock, knocks a table leg back into place. Still, he's left unfulfilled. So he longs for more action. He wants to be used as much as possible to knock things around, to break things, to blast things, to dent things. He figures that he just hasn't had enough of these events to satisfy him. More of the same, he believes, is the solution to his lack of fulfillment.
Then one day someone uses him on a nail. Suddenly, the lights come on in his hammer soul. He now understands what he was truly designed for. He was meant to hit nails. All the other things he hit pale in comparison. Now he knows what his hammer soul was searching for all along.
We are created in God's image for relationship with him. Being in that relationship is the only thing that will ultimately satisfy our souls. Until we come to know God, we've had many wonderful experiences, but we haven't hit a nail. We've been used for some noble purposes, but not the one we were ultimately designed for, not the one through which we will find the most fulfillment. Augustine summarized it this way: "You [God] have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."
A relationship with God is the only thing that will quench our soul's longing. Jesus Christ said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." Until we come to know God, we are hungry and thirsty in life. We try to "eat" and "drink" all kinds of things to satisfy our hunger and thirst, but yet they remain.
We are like the hammer. We don't realize what will end the emptiness, the lack of fulfillment, in our lives. Even in the midst of a Nazi prison camp, Corri Ten Boom found God to be wholly satisfying: "The foundation of our happiness was that we knew ourselves hidden with Christ in God. We could have faith in God's love...our Rock who is stronger than the deepest darkness."
Usually when we keep God out, we try to find fulfillment in something other than God, but we can never get enough of that thing. We keep "eating" or "drinking" more and more, erroneously thinking that 'more' is the answer to the problem, yet we are never ultimately satisfied.
Our greatest desire is to know God, to have a relationship with God. Why? Because that's how we've been designed. Have you hit a nail yet?

Sunday 13 November 2016


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          In  most cases, it is not that those unemployed are not willing to start a business but their problem lies on finding the best business ideas to do with little capital they have at hand or were able to raise. So, if you are one of those that have little money like one hundred thousand naira (N100000), eight thousand naira (N80000), sixty thousand naira (N60000), fifty thousand naira (N50000), forty thousand naira (N40000), twenty thousand naira (N20000), even ten thousand naira (N10000) and the zeal to do business is in you; I have below a list of businesses i did a research about that might intrest you :

What do you require to succeed in any of the business?

• Your best brain
• Right mindset
• Passion
• Dedication
• Skills where necessary

1. Football match center - This business requires less capital start up and could work out perfectly due to its low availability mostly in Onitsha and other areas, its a news that majority in Nigeria are soccer fans, creating a nice place forr them to come watch matches comfortably might just get you good money, you should as well sell stuffs like meat and snacks or even food and drinks, Nigerians love to enjoy thereselves, make use of the advantage.
A good location in a densely populated and accessible part of town with a competitive price and excellent customer service is essential to the success of this business.
2. Mini Importation business-Importation business is a very lucrative business and easy to start with as little as N10, 000 plus. Usually, you make profit on every sale and then keep increasing the business. However, to succeed in this business; you have to learn the dons and don’ts of the business. The internet has made everything easier to access. You can sit down at the comfort of your room and order for any product you want to sale.
3. Restaurant business-Most single young ladies and men of these days prefer eating at well decent restaurant where delicious food is being served. Restaurant business is a flourishing business especially in most cities like Lagos, Onitsha, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Aba, etc where people are highly busy that never find time to cook by themselves. The business is not capital intensive. With N70000 you can do this business. The two most important things necessary to succeed in this business are ability cook nicely and neatness.
PROFITABLE PRODUCTION BUSINESS-one of the high paying business you can start in your locality is production business. One good thing about production business is that you can fix and control the market price for the goods or product you produce rather than totally being control by market forces of demand and supply. Usually, most production businesses are capital intensive because costly machines employed in production. Starting production business can cost one as high as N300000, N500000, N1000000, and N200000+ depending on product you intend producing. However, you can still start some production business with capital as low as N100, 000.
Here are production businesses that you start with One hundred thousand naira or so;
4. Perfume and liquid soap production-This business requires basic chemistry knowledge. With a capital of less than N80000 naira, you can start perfume and liquid soap production. For your liquid soap production, your first target market should be restaurant, hotel, fast food joints and catering centres. For the perfume production, you first target market should be high class professionals like bankers, lecturers, marketers, teachers and other service professional
5. Fresh fruit juice production-The business sells most in highly populated cites like Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja, Aba, Kano , Awka even here in onitsha depending on if u can portray your product well.
PROFITABLE PRODUCTION AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS– These Agricultural businesses can be started as a sole-proprietor business and then grown into a full blown Limited Liability Company. Here are agricultural business that you can start with capital as low as N100000;
6. Garri processing business
7. Palm oil milling and processing business
8. Rice milling
9. Small scale fish fingerling-Fish Fingerling is easy to start especially where there is availability of water supply. With the sum of N90, 000 to N80, 000 one can set up a small scale fish fingerling. In this business, you can be making over 100% returns but it requires care and monitory. Good water ph and climate conditions are necessary for the success of this business.
10. Snail farming-Snail farming is not difficult to start and you don’t need up to N100, 000 Naira to start this business. With 50K to 80K, you can start snail farming in your locality. Snail is very expensive in the restaurants and hotels where they serve. So, after you finish rearing set of snail, you can always take them to restaurants and hotels for sale. Snail is a hot market and a market for high class people.
11. Boiler poultry farming-This is one of the easiest businesses to start with little money. With N20, 000+ you can do this business. The business does not does not require skill. The major thing you needed in this business is availability of space and water supply. Day old chicken (boiler) may cost N150/each, so you can with 50 chickens which cost a total of N7500. In less than 9 weeks, you can start selling these birds at the rate of N1800 to N2000 naira per each. However, bear in mind that this business is seasonal although it is not totally seasonal.
12. Dog breeding-In certain northern part of Nigeria like JOS and southern part of the Nigeria, dog breeding business is thriving very well. Some people breed the dogs for meat (popularly called 404) and others for pet purposes. The business is a lucrative one. With seventy thousand naira (N70, 000), you can buy a female English dog and breed. When the dog delivers, it can give birth to seven…eight puppies which you can sell at the rate of seventy thousand naira each. The major cost you will incur in this business is in feeding of the dog. You have to be dog friendly for you to be able to do this business.
13. Small scale piggery farming-Piggery farming is one the oldest lucrative business. Some people in the northern part of Nigeria, especially those with cold weather consume pork meat so much. You can start piggery farming with N60000+ and sometimes you need to employ an assistant.
14. Mobile phone accessories business-Mobile phones accessories business is lucrative business. We have millions of GSM users. Mobile phones like Nokia product, Samsung product, Sony Ericsson product, Blackberry, Techno, and other smart phones; their repair parts and accessories are readily available in the market. A total capital of $ 120 (N20000) will be enough to start the business in a small scale however if you are to start the business in more large scale, the cost of starting may increase.
15. Computer repair business-skills on computer hardware repair and software troubleshooting are required in this business. You can easily acquire this skill or knowledge by attaching yourself to an experience computer hardware and software repair expert before you starting your own computer repair business. Usually, starting this business will not cost you up to N80000 and you can make big time when you become so popular.
16. Mini Business centre-mini Business centre is a highly lucrative business especially when cited in within tertiary institutions like universities, polytechnics and colleges or around these institutions. A set of desktop computer at the cost of N25000, one three in one photocopying machine (Scanning, printing and photocopying machine) at cost of N60000, tables and chairs are enough to start this business. Snacks with soft drinks and few provisions are added to make it business, a mini business centre. So, a total amount of one hundred thousand naira is enough to start this business.
17. Beads shop and making business
18. Video centre, music and film copyright/ renting business
19. Sales of ladies handbags, Jewelleries, wrist watches and perfumes
20. Sales of babies wear
Profitable internet business– the one of the less expensive business to start today anywhere is internet business. You can most internet business with capital less than N100, 000. However, starting any internet business requires that you have the basic knowledge of the internet. Again, it also requires that you grounded in the aspect of the internet business you intended starting. Here are some internet businesses you can do with N50, 000+;
21. Internet course training
22. Affiliate marketing
23. Internet marketing business
24. Blogging business
25. Website development and Consultation