It's can not be denied that babies are designed for us to love them and protect them. Their smell, their look, their sounds, their cries....all designed to make us respond to them. Plus they are super unique...

They have incredible brains
During the first few years of life, an infant’s brain nearly triples in size. Not only is a baby’s brain going through a weight growth spurt, it’s filled with 100 billion neurons, able to soak up knowledge like a sponge. As your newborn develops into a toddler, you’ll see his super brain learn language, motion and emotion in a heck of a short time frame.
They’re easily amused
Take advantage of this time before your baby becomes a preteen. Simple things like making silly noises will get him laughing or kicking his legs.
They explore everything mouth-first
Touch is the first sense baby develops, and it’s very clever — especially in baby’s mouth. By one month of age, babies can get a mental picture of the things they've put in their mouths
They have adorable smiles
Babies start smiling at about two months old. And that will brighten up any bad day.
They grow exponentially
An eight-pound baby may have measured 20 inches at birth, but by the time he’s four months old, he’ll likely gain up to six pounds, as well as more than four inches.
By age six months, babies are typically double their birth weight, and by one
year, they’ll have tripled it!
They smell ridiculously good
New-baby smell should be bottled and sold as a pricey perfume.
They can make a mess and get away with it (sorta)
Have you ever seen photos of kids destroying things?  Whatever it is, they make a whole lot of messes. And even if baby draws with permanent marker all over your new white couch, you’ll forgive him pretty quickly.
They quickly teach themselves how to see
Baby’s vision will go through a lot of changes during the first month. Babies are born with peripheral vision, but they’ll have the ability to focus on specific things by one month.
They’re comedians
How many You Tube videos have you seen of babies doing funny things? Some of those videos have more views than our favorite stand-up comics’ clips.
They have impressive metabolismsAs hungry as you get, you probably don’t eat every two hours — and definitely not throughout the night. Babies can, and do — having about 12 meals a day in the first few weeks, even waking from sleep to do so. Don’t worry — baby will eventually space out those feedings. (And you’ll sleep more. I promise.)
 They’re chatterboxes
At infancy, he communicated primarily by crying, but by 24 months, a baby’s vocabulary may reach 50 words or more.
They turn adults into blubbering idiots
Put baby in front of almost any adult, and with one smile or coo, the grown-up will likely be reduced to baby talk. We’re not sure how babies hold such power over us, but Swedish scientists did find that smiles are contagious.
They can have dual personalities
One minute they’re smiling and giggling. The next they’re crying all over the place. Talk about mood swings!
They have super-strength
Babies learn how to grasp by three months, and once they have a hold of something, it can be difficult getting them to let go, especially if it’s the long hair of an innocent bystander (yowch!).
They get you some good luck
If you’re holding a cute baby, you just might find that you get away with more, like getting offered that last empty seat on the train.
 They work magic
Babies have the amazing ability to get into things you’d never have expected. Turn your back for a second and your incredible little infant has crawled into a wardrobe.
They get away with not having any manners
Anyone who’s not a baby would never be able to grab someone’s boob in public or fart without excusing herself. We already know that babies can practically get away with murder, but the stuff you’d never even _think _of attempting? Baby can do that.
They’re resilient
When they’re first starting to walk, babies take tumbles all the time. And sometimes you’ll be shocked at how he gets back up without so much as a tear.
They make your heart grow a thousand times bigger
Okay, so it’s corny. But doesn't having a kid make you feel even more love than you ever thought you were capable of?



Thursday 13 April 2017


It's can not be denied that babies are designed for us to love them and protect them. Their smell, their look, their sounds, their cries....all designed to make us respond to them. Plus they are super unique...

They have incredible brains
During the first few years of life, an infant’s brain nearly triples in size. Not only is a baby’s brain going through a weight growth spurt, it’s filled with 100 billion neurons, able to soak up knowledge like a sponge. As your newborn develops into a toddler, you’ll see his super brain learn language, motion and emotion in a heck of a short time frame.
They’re easily amused
Take advantage of this time before your baby becomes a preteen. Simple things like making silly noises will get him laughing or kicking his legs.
They explore everything mouth-first
Touch is the first sense baby develops, and it’s very clever — especially in baby’s mouth. By one month of age, babies can get a mental picture of the things they've put in their mouths
They have adorable smiles
Babies start smiling at about two months old. And that will brighten up any bad day.
They grow exponentially
An eight-pound baby may have measured 20 inches at birth, but by the time he’s four months old, he’ll likely gain up to six pounds, as well as more than four inches.
By age six months, babies are typically double their birth weight, and by one
year, they’ll have tripled it!
They smell ridiculously good
New-baby smell should be bottled and sold as a pricey perfume.
They can make a mess and get away with it (sorta)
Have you ever seen photos of kids destroying things?  Whatever it is, they make a whole lot of messes. And even if baby draws with permanent marker all over your new white couch, you’ll forgive him pretty quickly.
They quickly teach themselves how to see
Baby’s vision will go through a lot of changes during the first month. Babies are born with peripheral vision, but they’ll have the ability to focus on specific things by one month.
They’re comedians
How many You Tube videos have you seen of babies doing funny things? Some of those videos have more views than our favorite stand-up comics’ clips.
They have impressive metabolismsAs hungry as you get, you probably don’t eat every two hours — and definitely not throughout the night. Babies can, and do — having about 12 meals a day in the first few weeks, even waking from sleep to do so. Don’t worry — baby will eventually space out those feedings. (And you’ll sleep more. I promise.)
 They’re chatterboxes
At infancy, he communicated primarily by crying, but by 24 months, a baby’s vocabulary may reach 50 words or more.
They turn adults into blubbering idiots
Put baby in front of almost any adult, and with one smile or coo, the grown-up will likely be reduced to baby talk. We’re not sure how babies hold such power over us, but Swedish scientists did find that smiles are contagious.
They can have dual personalities
One minute they’re smiling and giggling. The next they’re crying all over the place. Talk about mood swings!
They have super-strength
Babies learn how to grasp by three months, and once they have a hold of something, it can be difficult getting them to let go, especially if it’s the long hair of an innocent bystander (yowch!).
They get you some good luck
If you’re holding a cute baby, you just might find that you get away with more, like getting offered that last empty seat on the train.
 They work magic
Babies have the amazing ability to get into things you’d never have expected. Turn your back for a second and your incredible little infant has crawled into a wardrobe.
They get away with not having any manners
Anyone who’s not a baby would never be able to grab someone’s boob in public or fart without excusing herself. We already know that babies can practically get away with murder, but the stuff you’d never even _think _of attempting? Baby can do that.
They’re resilient
When they’re first starting to walk, babies take tumbles all the time. And sometimes you’ll be shocked at how he gets back up without so much as a tear.
They make your heart grow a thousand times bigger
Okay, so it’s corny. But doesn't having a kid make you feel even more love than you ever thought you were capable of?

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